Booze Bulletin Issue 2 (September 2015)


Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter - American IPA, ABV 6.2%, California

The brew is different from other IPA's in that it is brewed from pure hop oil distilled from full hop cones. As a result, the nose is especially floral with clear notes of citrus and fresh-cut grass. This IPA pours a clear golden color with a lacy head. On the palate, the beer is well-constructed with a distinct summery freshness. It is light but pungent with notes of lemons, brett and caramel, all tied together in a bitter, hoppy finish. Though not complex nor heavy, this IPA is delicious and is certainly an easy drinker. 88








Lagunitas Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale, American Strong Ale, ABV 9.3%, California

This brew pours a dark copper color with free-floating particulates and a thick, clingy white head. The nose here is particularly interesting with a welcoming and concentrated bouquet of flowers, hop oils, malts, honey, and smoked meats. On the palate, the beer drinks smoothly without any bite from the alcohol while the bubbles are delicate. A sweet backbone runs throughout supported by flavors of caramel, hops, citrus bitterness and sweet malts. Definitely a full bodied beer here, almost creamy with the right amount of sweetness without being too cloying. And interestingly enough, despite this, the beer remains very easily drinkable. 90








Mikkeller Hues 2014 - Gueuze, ABV 5.0%, Denmark

The beer pours a dark orange, almost copper color with a quickly receding head which is interestingly enough since Gueuze essentially goes through second fermentation in the bottle. The nose is very distinct and almost resembles a lambic with prominent notes of brett, oak, leather and tangerine. The concentration of the nose is remarkable as well. Being rather tart and light in alcohol, the beer is easily drinkable especially with the help of champagne-like carbonation. On the palate are flavors of more oak, coconut, citrus and gooseberries. Towards the end, there are even notes of tropical fruits sweetness as the beer still has residual, fermentable sugars. The finish is quite long and complex with a funky, leathery bite. Very crisp and refreshing indeed. 90






Pabst Brewing Company Ballantine India Pale Ale - American IPA, ABV 7.2%, California

This brew may not be familiar to many, but its lager cousin Pabst Blue Ribbon is definitely a staple amongst college campuses. While PBR is considered the archetypal "bro" brew, the Ballantine, which also comes from Pabst in California, definitely shakes off that stigma. Coming in a wooden, crafted box with hay inlays, the beer pours a beautiful dark copper, honey color with moderate carbonation and lacing. On the nose are notes of a typical IPA - plenty of citrus, caramel, hops, mangoes and spice. On the palate, the beer has creamy structure thanks to the delicate carbonation. In fact, it is this carbonation that makes this beer so incredible - I can see a cascading mosaic of fine, mesmerizing beads that glint under the light when I tilt the glass back and forth. As far as taste goes, notes of bitter hop oils, grapefruits and pine are present. Finish is short and the alcohol does not burn. This is not your big dog 120-minute IPA, but rather, is a superbly drinkable IPA with a very delicate structure. As far as everyday IPA goes, this is definitely at the top of my list. 93



Sierra Nevada 2015 Oktoberfest - Märzen, ABV 6.0%, California

To celebrate the 2015 Oktoberfest, Sierra Nevada partnered with Brauhaus Riegele from Augsburg, Germany to make this seasonal brew. The beer pours a deep golden, almost amber, color with minimal head and carbonation. The nose is quite German with a distinct malty, grainy note, thanks to the use of the Steffi barley. Citrus and hops are also apparent too. On the palate, the beer displays the typical profile of a Marzen - slightly sweet with spice and a fruit-forward hoppy kick. This is rounded out by a yeasty, butterscotch malt finish. Finding this quite enjoyable. 85








To:Øl Gose to Hollywood - Gose, ABV 3.8%, Denmark

On the label, this says "Gose ale brewed with oranges". Interesting to see this Danish brewery take on this old German Style malted wheat beer. Probably like a sour. It pours a thick white head with substantial lacing and a cloudy, golden color. On the nose are notes of malt, lemon oils and salt. As the beer is so light, it is very easily drinkable. On the palate, tartness hits first with copious amounts of citrus and gooseberries. Towards the end, this brew yields yeasty and bready notes too. Finish is rather short and not too complex. Although this beer is quite one-dimensional, I still quite enjoy it because of its drinkability. Good stuff. 88



Dassai 23 【獺祭:二割三分】(ABV 16%, Seimai-buai 23%), Yamaguchi Prefecture

A generous contribution from R, and arguably the sake with the lowest rice polishing ratio I have ever tasted. With 77% of the rice grain polished away, this Daiginjo pours a very clear color with thick long legs and the faintest of yellowish hue. Although the nose is slightly muted, it is incredibly pure, calming and clean. Bouquets of strawberries, melons, nougat, muscats and jasmine dominate the nose. On the palate, the alcohol hits first with just a little heat. This is followed by a racy backbone delineated by ample minerals. Flavors of grapes, honeydew, berries and black teas soon follow. The finish is long, clean and lingering, yet very mellow without much development. Certainly a sake that prods rumination, especially with the mind-blowing seimai-buai value. But I am just unsure how such a low rice-polishing ratio really differs from, say, another Daiginjo at 50%. The lower value certainly means more man-hours; but to me, that does not correlate to a better brew. I have to try more to find out. 94


Azuma-ichi Junmai 【東一 :山田錦純米酒】 (ABV 15%, Seimai-buai 64%, Brewed 2014-08),  Hyogo Prefecture

The sake, which uses 100% Yamada Nishiki rice, pours an off-white color. A lovely and clean nose rich in umami and fruits - toasted rice, melon and cheese. On the palate, the sake is perceptibly smooth and the heat from the alcohol is barely noticeable. Great structure here with sweet and earthy notes of rice, cantaloupe and faint hints of strawberries in the end. This is a very clean-drinking sake that is slightly sweet yet vibrant. 82









Tengumai Junmai Daiginjo "50" 【天狗舞:純米大吟釀 ”50“】 (ABV 15-16%, Seimai-buai 50%, Brewed 2015-02), Ishikawa Prefecture

The sake pours a slightly off-white color. The nose is vibrant and balanced with copious amounts of rice, bananas, kiwi,  honeydew melon and strawberries. On the palate, the sake is clean with a slight bite from the alcohol. Nonetheless, the structure is exceptionally creamy, almost velvety. More notes of rice, bonito and melon dominate the core, with flavors of Fuji apples and mint closing the sake out. Acidity is quite low here. This is an easy-drinking sake with decent complexity, though the end intrigues me - the finish just seems to evolve into something spicy in the end? I may be wrong. 88







Shichida Yamahai Junmai Ginjo 【七田:純米吟釀】 (ABV - 16%, Seimai-buai 55%), Saga Prefecture

This junmai ginjo sake, which uses a blend of Yamada Nishiki and Saganohana rice, is made the yamahai method. This means that the the steamed rice in the brewing process is not pressed with the stick to accelerate dissolving. As a result, the sake pours a crystal clear color. The nose is floral and fruity but somewhat muted. On the palate, however, the sake is anything but clean. It unabashedly asserts its strength through perceptible heat from the alcohol and minerality. This is followed by a mixture of white fruits (especially peaches), cream, jasmine flowers and rich, potent umami flavors (think mushrooms). The finish is long and dry without too much variation. Quite a heavy sake, one that definitely reflects the characteristics of this brewing method. 85






Kokuryu "Tokusen" Crystal Dragon Ginjo 【黑龍:特吟 50】(ABV - 15-16%, Seimai-buai 50%, Brewed in 2015-03), Fukui Prefecture

The Kokuryu "Tokusen", named as the Crystal Dragon probably because of the jade green glass bottle, is a ginjo sake that is brewed using the Gohyaku Mangoku (五百萬石) strain of rice that is milled down to 50% of the original grain. The sake pours a slightly-off white color with distinct clarity. On the nose, the tipple boasts a powerful mixture of melon, jasmine, pear and even grapes. On the palate, the alcohol asserts itself with a silky yet viscous texture along with a tinge of heat. The flavors are pretty gentle here, with notes of honey, melon and green tea. The finish is lingering but not as complex as some of Kokuryu's other offerings. Nonetheless, this is a great sake at the price point. 87






Imada Fukucho "Moon on the Water" Junmai Ginjo 【富久長:水月 - すいげつ】(ABV 16.5%, Seimai-buai 55%, Brewed in 2014-06), Hiroshima Prefecture

Pouring a slightly milky white color with thin legs, this sake is brewed in Hiroshima which is famous for the soft water that is present. On the nose, this ginjo sake definitely demonstrates a cleaner and milder scent when compared to those of others. Straining my nose, I do sense notes of glutinous rice, cantaloupe and mint. On the palate, this sake definitely demonstrates its drinkability. The structure is very soft and supple and the alcohol does not sting at all, nor is there any perceptible heat. Just like the nose, the palate lacks power as well with only faint notes of candied strawberries, melon and rice. Finish is rather short and there is not much complexity. This is okay, but not something I will buy again. 80






Doi Shuzo Kaiun Junmai Ginjo 【土井開運:純米吟釀】(ABV 16-17%, Seimai-buai 50%), Shizuoka Prefecture

The sake pours an off-white color with a yellowish tint to it. The legs are not particularly long which is surprising for a brew of this alcohol strength. The nose seems to support this too with a delicate and supple aroma of melon, jasmine, pears and bananas. On the palate, the sake has a good structure, viscous, chewy and rich; and the alcohol finally reveals itself with some heat! Flavors of cantaloupe, mint, watermelon and green tea are in abundance while the concentration just hits at you unabashedly. The finish is quite long with some creamy sweetness in the end. This is a truly good brew that shows respectable complexity. 86



1999 Beringer Vineyards Chardonnay Sbragia Limited Release, Napa Valley, California

The wine is chilled, decanted and aired for a good half a day before drinking. Out of the bottle, this 15.1% ABV beast pours a mesmerizing, amber copper color with crystal clarity and very thick long legs. The nose has incredible concentration and is just intoxicating. Bouquets beyond bouquets of charred pineapples, over-ripe bananas, honeycomb, vanilla pods, cloves, sugarcane, stewed peaches and aged comte meet the nose. The precision and strength of the nose is just remarkable. On the palate, the wine still drinks quite well. The alcohol, albeit strong, does not bite as age rounds thing out. Rather, the wine rolls off easily down the tongue in a velvety, voluptuous motion, bringing with it more flavors of hard-rind cheeses, banana toffee pie, bananas, buttered toasts and marzipan. Acidity is at a low here; in fact, I do not even pick up any citrus notes. Nonetheless, the wine is not cloying, but rather, flexes its strength and complexity in a gentle and assured manner. This wine has the archetypal profile of a Cali chard; and it does so beautifully with restraint and finesse. Great stuff from Beringer. 93